Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Time Bandits

Have you ever wondered what happened to the last one, two or even three hours? Does it seem as though you been busy, busy, busy...but, never feeling as thought you can catch up on that 'to-do' list?

As someone who values creativity and change, I find it isn't difficult at all to lose hours of time getting caught up in 'things I did not plan to do today'. I really have to work hard to manage my time effectively so I can meet important commitments.

What works for you? I do not consider myself a list-person, and yet, having a list to hold me accountable to my plan for the day helps me to stay on track. This is especially true when that list includes things I would rather not do at all. What is on your list that isn't fun or exciting for you? Does it work better to check them off early and get them out of the way? Or, do you like to do some of the 'fun' stuff first? It doesn't matter which you choose. What does matter is that you do choose. Choose to get it done.

When I began using a strategy to stay focused, I found to my surprise, extra time at the end of the day for get caught up in my creative energy and have some of that fun I look forward to in my day.

Don't let your time bandits get in your way? Take control and use a strategy that works for you.

Make it a great day!


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